The lil kid that lives in us all - Childish behaviour
This is my first post( yes we can all see that cant we...) In case you all don't know my blog title is inspired from my darling who has supported me thus far. Spot the uncanny similarities?
Love you darling! Piak piak! ;)
Anyway I shall start with my boring intro of the day...
Today I would like to share about <*INPUT TITLE HERE*> that unfolded in my martial life blah blah blah....
We all know that a kid lives in all of us. However, sometimes that little 'kid' (No im not referring to your lil spankie) overtakes our mind and body coupled with greed, lust for power, social attention and perhaps even fantasy role play.
Then the terrible phase arrives. Evolution. Yes, I do mean evolution. Our lil kid(no not lil spankie again) evolves into the power hungry monster and arrives in his/her fantasy land(which I shall refer to as the Monstrous Realm from now on) where the great Epic Battle Of the Lil kid monsters exist...and I do mean realtime battle with monster ninjas/warriors and spies running around like a RPG.
Guess what? The most exciting part comes in here. Unlike Maple story(no thanks no maple syrup with my pancakes please) you do not have to select roles. Your lil monster kid that lives deep within arises on its own and acquires the role he feels he is. Be it, Soke of humpjutsu(yours truly) , Gang Leader or even Clan Servant Dog(ouch sounds offending). So then, what is this lil monster battle your lil monster kid is engaging in?
Ahh, *pulls beard* nothing but the usual ....
1. Fight for Leadership( "All of you shall regroup n follow me")
2. Fight for Recognition(as big boss or not)
3. Fight for Social Acceptance(my frens must believe my stories...NOT!)
5. Backstabbing duels(again for the 4 above reasons)
6. Moi h8 euuu Moi dun wann to fwenn eeuu animoreee (pun intended)
.... yadayadayada the usual kids stuff we used to role play in the kindergartens way back then when our creative juices(uncontaminated by the Evil MOE Composition formats) reigned over our juices?
Perhaps you guys dont understand what all this ranter is about, but my dear close friends choosing(and trying hard) not to be involved in the political wars of martial arts(oops i revealed it?). I believe you all understand what im getting at. Yes, this Poltical wars refer to the CHILDISH wars Martial Artists are fighting here locally. Its really hard not to get involved in the Epic battle of lil I recently found out unfortunately.
Anyway as you all know, researching and studying the lil Monster wars(a.k.a kaypoism) has always been my hobby and interest. STOP! Before you go on about how wrong it is to poke noses blah blah blah... Let me explain. The lil monsters frm Monster Realm Cable Vision(MRCV in short) have put in great pain and effort in fighting("Play acting") for us to enjoy. So why not sit back relax and laugh at it right? Lets just take it as a history lesson that is going on in the Present and not the Past(aiyah you know lah...Romance of the Three Kingdoms, liubei and all) .
Still dont understand? Let me then share with you a quote that has stuck by me for some time now... :
"Train hard FUCK the Politics Lah!"
This has stuck by me alot and I choose to abide by it no matter how hard it is... and I now make an oath to do so. So a word of advise from the 'Soke' , all of those who are within my closest Martial realm brothers, lets all just erm do what we do best... "FUCK the Politics Lah" and train hard from now on. =)
Well, thats all I have to say for this post. Now to start on the well-needed training which has been neglected in the past month. Hope that I, Soke Gabe have enlightened you thus far.
Disclaimer! Any resemblence and uncanny similarities to real life incidents that may have occured is NOT purely Coincidental and any emotional distraught caused by the indiscreet use of vulgarities are to be accepted by the Reader unconditionally. The Humpjutsu Soke shall not be held responsible in anyway legally or illegally. The Humpjutsu Soke(with the help of his buddies) reserves the right to hump any Infidels who dare approach him in regards to this irresponsible post.
At 5:56 PM,
Anonymous said…
aioyoyoyo!!!!!!!! I dont understand a single thing you have said=/
At 5:56 PM,
Anonymous said…
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At 1:09 AM,
Anonymous said…
ehh could you spice up your entries a little. haha
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