Judo and the lil monster wars
I missed it out in last night's post.. haha looks like my posts will lag by 1 day from now on =P
Yesterday, my close friend and 1st foreign Judo Sensei 'Koseki-san' took part in the Singapore National Judo Championships and achieved the Second place. I feel though, that he should have been given another 'go' at the Gold due to having the same number of Points as his competitor

Even with the number of injuries on his left arm(Thanks to the previous submission grappling competition and NS reservice) he still managed to claim the Silver medal(though not exactly the way he would have wanted to win)
Well, theres a drawback- He had to join the SJF under another club(more glory for others lol) just so that he was eligible to compete.
Judo politics AKA lil Monster Wars
At Macro level - Have to be affiliated to SJF to be recognised at all(which is unfortunately made hard by SJF)
At Micro level - Within individual clubs, fighting for power(YET AGAIN!)
damn... whats with all these politics everywhere?
I solemnly(and sadly) conclude that Skill is no longer the main emphasis of Martial Arts in Singapore but Political influence/Clout. The more clout you have, the further you will go. If not you will just be stuck in your own hell hole.
Thus... I have decided that I want to train and do things my way with people who are truly serious about Martial Art skills and NOT pussy Politicians.
Despite what others say, RECOGNITION,AFFILIATION(and anything along that line) IS NOT AT ALL IMPORTANT TO ME.
I just want to train hard and be satisfied.... *sob sob* ='(
SOB NOT! hahahahahaha
Anyway, I was watching the Judo lightweight matches and caught a friend of mine in action.Lets just call him MC. He had insane speed and really explosive and fast reaction. When asked about it, he tells me the following "My opponent is damn fast, so I have to be faster". Woah. What respectable mentality he has down there.
Sensei congrats on winning. You'll do better in 3weeks time at Pesta Sukan a great debut tournament for you. "Sensei Ni Rei!"
Anyway, I learnt a new word from these few days watching and watching(no training :P) ponder over it.
Today's programme was brought to you by the letter S. .......
Yesterday, my close friend and 1st foreign Judo Sensei 'Koseki-san' took part in the Singapore National Judo Championships and achieved the Second place. I feel though, that he should have been given another 'go' at the Gold due to having the same number of Points as his competitor

Even with the number of injuries on his left arm(Thanks to the previous submission grappling competition and NS reservice) he still managed to claim the Silver medal(though not exactly the way he would have wanted to win)
Well, theres a drawback- He had to join the SJF under another club(more glory for others lol) just so that he was eligible to compete.
Judo politics AKA lil Monster Wars
At Macro level - Have to be affiliated to SJF to be recognised at all(which is unfortunately made hard by SJF)
At Micro level - Within individual clubs, fighting for power(YET AGAIN!)
damn... whats with all these politics everywhere?
I solemnly(and sadly) conclude that Skill is no longer the main emphasis of Martial Arts in Singapore but Political influence/Clout. The more clout you have, the further you will go. If not you will just be stuck in your own hell hole.
Thus... I have decided that I want to train and do things my way with people who are truly serious about Martial Art skills and NOT pussy Politicians.
Despite what others say, RECOGNITION,AFFILIATION(and anything along that line) IS NOT AT ALL IMPORTANT TO ME.
I just want to train hard and be satisfied.... *sob sob* ='(
SOB NOT! hahahahahaha
Anyway, I was watching the Judo lightweight matches and caught a friend of mine in action.Lets just call him MC. He had insane speed and really explosive and fast reaction. When asked about it, he tells me the following "My opponent is damn fast, so I have to be faster". Woah. What respectable mentality he has down there.
Sensei congrats on winning. You'll do better in 3weeks time at Pesta Sukan a great debut tournament for you. "Sensei Ni Rei!"
Anyway, I learnt a new word from these few days watching and watching(no training :P) ponder over it.
Today's programme was brought to you by the letter S. .......
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