'The Event'
There were many great matches and I was really proud and happy to be part of this year's Fitness Asia 2006 as a competitor and unofficial helper in the Combat Academy Promotions Boxing Thrilla. Lots of TKO and spectacular performance. Now I truly understand and appreciate what they mean when they refer to Boxing as 'The Sweet Science'.
Just a yr back, I was blabbering that Boxing isnt a martial art, its just a sport.
I take back and swallow these words whole.
Boxing is not only a martial art which instils discipline, determination and most of all the courage to face your opponent and ultimately yourself. Most importantly, it equips the practioner with useful and practical self-defense skills.
From participating in this event, I now know what they mean by its not winning that matters but the experience you gain out of it. So what did I gain? The experience of appearing in a ring surrounded by tons of strangers staring and cheering on watching 2 'human dogs' fighting it out at their expense for these strangers viewing pleasure. Of course, I now know where Im lacking in, what I need to work on and how to refine my techniques and strategy.
Here are some pics of the event and my fight enjoy:
"The Ring" - Preparation 2 nights before
Alexis VS Kadir
"The trophy"
Pictures, courtesy of Sean "The Big Drunk Prawn" Chia and me
Hmm... I don't know what else to say but it was definitely fun helping out at this event and especially funny seeing Alexis dress up in the Redman to get whacked for $5/min.
All I can say that if you're looking for a good environment to train at, Combat Academy is the one place for you. Not only do they say things, they Actually make it happen and they're really true about the Martial Arts (Combative sports in particular).
Ending off,
Its 3 hrs to the 7th mth Anniversary with my Darling. Im really worried abt us and I hope things would turn out fine.. pray for me.
Although I still do not know how the hell I won, actually even disappointed in my performance but like a fellow martial artist and friend said to me, A win is still a win no matter how. Thus, I rest my case.
First and foremost, I would like to take this opportunity to thank my darling Chen Huixin for all the moral support she has given me. Just being there alone gave me the determination I needed and the promise I made to you which enabled it to happen.
I would like to thank Sifu Mark Stewart who exposed me to JKD and hooked me up with the awesome guys from Combat Academy for conditioning and advice.
Of course, I would like to thank Sascha for allowing me to use his dojo/gym for training and toughening myself up. And definitely to Alexis, Zamri, Kadir for all the professional and useful advice in correcting and toughening my (still) pussy punches.
To my MMA enthusiast friends and fellow Training partners/seniors/peers(the 2 seans, sing and dan, Koseki) who have helped train me up, advise me and also dedicated their precious time for me to work on more sparring and drilling thanks for helping clear my doubts and devise strategy (though not as well as we planned).
To the rest of you cool guys whom I met while helping out at this event namely, Damien and Mus and also those from the other gyms who wished me luck encouraged me and joked, talked to me to me to help me relax. Yes, even the helper at the changing room who saw me alone and like a lost sheep(without a cornerman to help me warm up/advise me) and told me how to wear the shoes properly and precious words of advice 'calm down'. Even to my opponent's Co-trainer who helped me put on my helmet,
All these could never have happened without you guys too.
Oh yes, to the friendly guy who helped take my left shoe off after watching me hit my head upon jerking out my right shoe out clumsily and making myself an instant slapstick comedy act, special thanks to you. LOL.
MOST IMPORTANTLY, I would like to thank God for strength to overcome this and for granting me his Divine Protection . 'A thousand may fall at my left, ten thousand at my right hand but it shall not come near me' - Psalms 91
May all praise and Glory be unto God. Amen.
Just a yr back, I was blabbering that Boxing isnt a martial art, its just a sport.
I take back and swallow these words whole.
Boxing is not only a martial art which instils discipline, determination and most of all the courage to face your opponent and ultimately yourself. Most importantly, it equips the practioner with useful and practical self-defense skills.
From participating in this event, I now know what they mean by its not winning that matters but the experience you gain out of it. So what did I gain? The experience of appearing in a ring surrounded by tons of strangers staring and cheering on watching 2 'human dogs' fighting it out at their expense for these strangers viewing pleasure. Of course, I now know where Im lacking in, what I need to work on and how to refine my techniques and strategy.
Here are some pics of the event and my fight enjoy:

Pictures, courtesy of Sean "The Big Drunk Prawn" Chia and me
Hmm... I don't know what else to say but it was definitely fun helping out at this event and especially funny seeing Alexis dress up in the Redman to get whacked for $5/min.
All I can say that if you're looking for a good environment to train at, Combat Academy is the one place for you. Not only do they say things, they Actually make it happen and they're really true about the Martial Arts (Combative sports in particular).
Ending off,
Its 3 hrs to the 7th mth Anniversary with my Darling. Im really worried abt us and I hope things would turn out fine.. pray for me.
Although I still do not know how the hell I won, actually even disappointed in my performance but like a fellow martial artist and friend said to me, A win is still a win no matter how. Thus, I rest my case.
First and foremost, I would like to take this opportunity to thank my darling Chen Huixin for all the moral support she has given me. Just being there alone gave me the determination I needed and the promise I made to you which enabled it to happen.
I would like to thank Sifu Mark Stewart who exposed me to JKD and hooked me up with the awesome guys from Combat Academy for conditioning and advice.
Of course, I would like to thank Sascha for allowing me to use his dojo/gym for training and toughening myself up. And definitely to Alexis, Zamri, Kadir for all the professional and useful advice in correcting and toughening my (still) pussy punches.
To my MMA enthusiast friends and fellow Training partners/seniors/peers(the 2 seans, sing and dan, Koseki) who have helped train me up, advise me and also dedicated their precious time for me to work on more sparring and drilling thanks for helping clear my doubts and devise strategy (though not as well as we planned).
To the rest of you cool guys whom I met while helping out at this event namely, Damien and Mus and also those from the other gyms who wished me luck encouraged me and joked, talked to me to me to help me relax. Yes, even the helper at the changing room who saw me alone and like a lost sheep(without a cornerman to help me warm up/advise me) and told me how to wear the shoes properly and precious words of advice 'calm down'. Even to my opponent's Co-trainer who helped me put on my helmet,
All these could never have happened without you guys too.
Oh yes, to the friendly guy who helped take my left shoe off after watching me hit my head upon jerking out my right shoe out clumsily and making myself an instant slapstick comedy act, special thanks to you. LOL.
MOST IMPORTANTLY, I would like to thank God for strength to overcome this and for granting me his Divine Protection . 'A thousand may fall at my left, ten thousand at my right hand but it shall not come near me' - Psalms 91
May all praise and Glory be unto God. Amen.