Hi guys, I have decided to cut this post into 2 parts - 1 about my personal life and this as a sole article so as to please everyone.Well, in today's article I will talk to you about "The Straight Lead". So what inspired me to write about this? Well../I am glad to have found a way to increase resistance to train the power of my weak pussy Straight lead punch. Not to say that I am now "THE ULTIMATE" as some would mistakenly quote me as such.
P.S Forgive me for the bad phrasing of this following article as I do not have the book in my hands and I am too lazy to take it out.(As usual lah Gabe.. want to write about something yet dont have it with you) =P
So I have been doing JKD for some time now however I am no where near good and probably am NOT qualified to talk about this topic. Thus I shall be quoting off (my memory of) the much anticipated(and finally released) JKD book.
"The Straight Lead" by Teri Tom:

(Thanks babe for getting this book for our Special 'Date' love you darling muackz)
Okay enough of the lovey dovey. So how
GOOD this book is? Lets just say that my Respected instructor, Sifu Mark Stewart(who sure hell packs a punch) proclaims this book as the
All along, I thought of The Straight Lead as an Overrated punch until I saw the power fired by my Sifu and some videos downloaded(legally?). This is what lead me to be so obsessed with The Straight Lead that i went 'gaga' over finding methods to master it. When I finally found out and acquired the book(thanks again darling.. love you lots =X)
From reading the book, I gained much that I have not known about The Straight Lead and what made it the Trademark punch of JKD.
So whats so special about The Straight Lead Punch as compared to an Orthodox cross or a hook thrown by boxers?
A. It was used by the Late Bruce Lee ( That alone should shut you up. Just kidding haha.)
B. The Straight Lead Punch(when thrown properly) is meant to be the shortest distance between yourself and your opponent.
C. It has insane power and speed for a lead punch.
D. It can be thrown as an intercepting(counter-attack) punch before, during and after.(Versatility) - Which also leads to the name of JeetKuneDo(Intercepting Fist)
So what EXACTLY is the Straight Lead Punch?
Exactly as the description says.A straight punch from your lead hand using a Vertical fist(which I will elaborate more on at the next part)
The history of the Straight Lead punch
I finally understand that although Bruce Lee did Wing Chun as a base art, the Straight Lead Punch which everyone(within my social circle) thought was 100% ripped off Wing Chun is actually NOT(yes I do mean NOT) solely from Wing Chun(sorry wingchun nuthuggers erm i mean enthusiasts, no offence here) .
Straight from the legendary mouth of his excellency Sifu Ted Wong(Private student of the late B.L) , he claims that Bruce Lee showed him a photo of Jack Dempsey( http://www.cmgww.com/sports/dempsey/index.php ) doing a vertical punch, yup you did not read wrong a boxer doing a VERTICAL punch which means knuckles lined from top-down and not left-right.
What more, The Straight Lead Punch found its way from how fencers attack. Yes, with a forward launch to impale the opponent(which is also the goal of the SL punch). The Straight Lead at a mastery level can be said to be the end to 'ALL' conflicts as all you need is one punch to end it all like that of the legendary '1 punch 1 kill' late Soke of Kyokushin Kai, Mas Oyama.
Okay thats all, Im done/finished/tired of typing.
So are you guys interested in the Monstrocity of The Straight Lead Punch yet?
To cut the crap, this last
review should help you decide.
Still undecided? Fear Not
The Humpjutsu Soke has 3 options for you :
1. The book nerd:
You wait not and get this really good book from
2. The book hater:
Come down to IJKD trainings held by Sifu Mark Stewart at Toa Payoh Safra on:
Mondays (8-9pm)Wednesdays(8-9pm)3. The M.A enthusiast( like me! like me!):
Get them both lor.
-The End-
Hope to see you guys there or hear some comments from you here.
Soke GabE,
Humpjutsu 10th Dan